The HDY List

The HDY list contains events that occur in relation to Open Meetings laws and Freedom of Information laws in which our one-line comment to the event is “How Dare You?”  We believe the events will speak for themselves as to why they were chosen.

For example, in 2023, Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard violated not only Roberts Rules of Order, but also encouraged and supported illegal conduct by a non-board member to literally act as a Disc Jockey during the meeting.

Fundamentally, it is a violation of ROH to allow a member of the audience to speak at any time during the meeting, except during the public participation portion and the music was certainly used to speak on behalf of Henyard’s pitch to spend money by someone who was not a board member.  A non-board member can speak at other times during the meeting outside of the audience participation portion, but only with a majority of the Board voting “yes” to the act.

Henyard acted as conductor, calling upon the DJ to illegally perform a job (with or without pay is another topic) during a public meeting in an effort to gain political advantage from such a decision, including the potential of the video going viral, thus garnering Henyard additional public expose while on the job, regardless of any negative perspectives being sent in her direction.

Adding to the chicanry are numerous complaints and concerns about Henyard’s spending habits, including a call out by The Edgar County Watchdogs and Fox32Chicago news, for what appears to be worth far more scrutiny by everyone in the Village of Dolton, let alone the authorities.

In other words, How Dare You Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard.